The code of visit_count.php

<!-- here there is a php code executed by the server, client receive only the output -->
// We use a file to store the counter
// THE FOLLOWING CODE IS NOT SAFE! Multiple instance of the web server can 
// conflict on writing file; we use this code only for educational purposes. 

//read counter
if(file_exists($file)) {
	$handle = fopen($file, "r");

//increase counter

//write back the counter
$handle = fopen($file, "w");

<!-- end of the php code -->
Visit Count:
<!-- here there is a php code executed by the server, client receive only the output -->
//out the counter
echo $x;

<!-- end of php code -->
<br /><i>Watch the client-side HTML code and compare with the <a href="visit_count_code.php">server-side code</a></i>