Anselm Kiefer

Pirelli HangarBicocca

  • Visit our website for more exhibitions:

  • Pirelli HangarBicocca is a non-profit foundation, established in 2004;

Anselm Kiefir and  The Seven Heavenly Palaces


  • Jaipur (2009)
  • Cette obscure clarté qui tombe des étoiles (2011)
  • Alchemie(2012)
  • Die deutsche Heilslinie (2012-2013)

What's new:


  • Reference to some of the themes already present in The Seven Heavenly Palaces;
  • Great architectural constructions represented by means of astronomical numbering;
  • The relationship between man and nature, and references to the history of ideas and of Western philosophy.

After the exhibithion...


  • City center area:

  • Places to eat: