Markdown to reveal, Slack and Trello


December 2nd, 2017

Mark up languages: summary


  • static, in-place description of the page structure

  • easy to pick, hard to come up with advanced features

  • does not offer the full power of input, counting, output


  • separates content (unique, maintained by authors...

  • from containers, maintaned by UX experts

  • in itself, a plan for a visual experience


  • full power of the computer

  • hard to start, easy to add advanced features

  • essential, through jQuery, to serve dynamic content

Tools for Web Communication

As we stand here

  • this class is taught by Computer Scientists, not artists nor journalists etc.
  • tools are ever-evolving,
  • advanced features always require some skills to implement

What should we use?


  • democratized Wikipedia contribution
  • easy to start (=>easy to get it wrong...)
  • text-only, it travels everywhere


  • blurs the line between web page and multimedia presentation

  • it brings about multichannel presentation

  • requires learning JavaScript to some extent


  • useful for document conversion
  • lets us convert Markdown notes to basic Reveal.js text!
  • require installation and knowing the parameters:
  • old-fashioned command-line invocation

Exercise, I

  • install Sublime text editor (or eqivalent) in portable version
  • write a basic Markdown presentation
  • install Pandoc
  • run Pandoc conversion to Reveal.js to html
  • evaluate the results

Conversion command

pandoc -t revealjs -s -o lab10-minutes.html -V revealjs-url= -V theme=sky --slide-level=2 --css pandoc_test.css -V transition=cube

Exercise, II

  • locate Reveal.js extension for Tagclouds
  • include in your presentation, with an analysis of the front article of a major newspaper in your language
  • evaluate the results

Beyond communication

Comm 2 coll: Slack

  • pariticipation-oriented
  • egalitarian
  • easy to set up channels and polls

Comm 2 coll: Trello

  • task-oriented
  • mixes personal and group information (and presentation)

Exercise, III

  • join our Slack channel
  • form a team
  • join Trello
  • share a project on Trello

Exercise, IV

  • choose an interesting Reveal.js extension
  • plan on Trello a presentation on why that is an interesting extension